all grass, all year
Grazing cows intensively helps us support the microbial life in the soil, the root systems of our plants and through it all, the health of you and me and our cows.
foods that feed life
We make products that honor both the body and the farm as living organisms and promote their good health. This includes farmstead cheeses, meats from our grass-fed cows as well as raw milk available at the farm.

farming is in the family
Chaseholm has a deep family legacy in dairy farming right here, on this soil. Sarah is the third generation of Chase's to farm here, along with her brother Rory.
“Growing up on this farm has shaped who I became, there is truly no place I would rather spend my life.”
support us
small farms survive when their neighbors vote with their food dollars

Visit our farmstore
Come find our raw milk, cheese and meats, as well as products from other producers in the Hudson Valley.
Come to Events
In the summer time we host get-togethers focused on food, music and education at the farm.
Join A Buying Club
Choose a pick up location near you to order Chaseholm products from our online store!